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a little about me

Isabel Ginsberg (she/her/hers) is a queer, Jewish-American performer who found her love for musical theatre listening to cast albums on the family Panasonic 5 CD Changer Stereo System. At age 7, she stood up on the living room coffee table, began to sing along with the music, and hasn't stopped. Born and bred in Philadelphia, PA, Isabel moved to Boston in 2018 and studied musical theatre and health sciences at Emerson College.

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Isabel loves making people laugh and creating art that challenges her comfortability. She has worked professionally in the greater Boston area as well Portsmouth, New Hampshire and hopes her work will continue to bring her to exciting places. She enjoys traveling, writing, tea-drinking, chapstick-collecting, website designing, home cooking (follow her and her partner's food Instagram account!), holding her small tabby cat, and connecting with people through creativity and performance. Check out some of her work here.

Isabel is currently based in Boston and is always looking to be part of new projects. If you're looking for an actor, a high soprano, a songwriter, restaurant recommendations, or would just like to connect with her, click here.

thanks for stopping by!

follow isabel on instagram

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